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Two little wine-classe

To learn how to approach yhe wine-tasting. The essentials of wine production. The main wine-areas in Italy

Open the link fot a view of all details! 

Taste and describe a Wine, Wine-Making techniques / Italian wines

Professionalism on wine is not invented! Since 2013, DILasbl's tasting and oenology courses have prepared and trained professionals in the sommellerie sector in Luxembourg and 'Grande Région'

The wine tasting courses organized by DIL offer comprehensive training in order to gain a thorough expertise on wines from Italy and all the world

Taste and describe a Wine,  / Wines  form  the 5 continents

This course will provide the bases to understand the global context of oenology today. The great wines of Europe and their stories. The big surprises that modern oenology has reserved for us.

Sub-scribe the 31st December 2018 at the latest and you will profit of a discount of 10% !!!!

Wine is Art

An innovativing course from September 2018, intended for all those who want to deepen the techniques of wine tasting and at the same time their knowledge of the artistic, architectural and landscape beauties of Italy threw a virtual travel around Italian UNESCO sites.

The classes will be in french

Pairing Food and Wine

Ce cours, passionnant et amusant, se concentre sur la recherche du parfait accord entre les mets et les vins. La réalisation des plats, trucs et astuces. Chaque cours prévoit une heure de théorie sur les accords par Isabella Sardo, présidente DILasbl, suivie par un mini-cours de cuisine adaptée, par Mariaegle Linosa,  gastronome. La session se terminera par la dégustation des mets réalisés ensemble, accompagnés par leurs vins (consulter le calendrier du cours en bas de page pour plus de détails sur les quatre menus).


Class Dil

Tasting and service class for restaurateurs

DIL organizes training courses on wine service, in partnership with the Italo-Luxemburgish Chamber of Commerce.

The course is designed for operators in the food&wine sector that can acquire some basic notion as to how to reccommend the finest wine and food matching and to serve wine in the most correct way. The course is organized in 4 classes and a certificate will be delivered to those who passed the final test.


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Dil Friends

Ask for the Friends of DIL card and you will have the right to :



- Three free uses per year of the service 'SOS combining'

- 10% of reduction on all our classes

- 10% of reduction on registrations to our tastings

- The priority registration to all of our events



The price of the Friends of DIL card is 25 Euro and its validity is for the whole year.

Require it:



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